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OAEA Membership

The OAEA is an active network for all educators across the province of Ontario.  Membership provides access to an array of curriculum resources, speaker series, lessons, and creates opportunities to connect with others through events, webinars and workshops in celebration of art creation and education.

Here are some of the benefits to becoming an OAEA Member:

  • Be part of an arts community network and connect with colleagues, mentors, artists, arts advocates, teachers and student teachers across the province.
  • Gain direct access to member’s content including curriculum resources, lesson plans, webinars, articles and book reviews to support your program.
  • Participate in art-focused events and workshops throughout the year to sharpen your skills and connect with others who share your passions in art education.
  1. Full Membership: $50.00 annual fee
    • A full membership is available for educators and passionate art creators who are active in the education field.New Teachers In-Service Membership: $25.00 annual fee.

  2. A discounted membership for educators in their first year of teaching in the year immediately following graduation from a faculty of education.

  3. Students & Pre-Service Teachers: Free 
    • This membership is for full-time students and pre-service teachers registered in a Faculty of Education. Fill in this form to get registered: Student Membership Registration

NOTE: Discounted and Free memberships are subject to verification.  

Sign up for a membership today!

Important! Please Read Carefully

  1. Click the Paypal button to pay. This will take you to PayPal.com so that we may collect your payment.
  2. Once your payment has been approved you MUST click “Return to Merchant” button to complete the registration process.
  3. An email will be sent to your account with a link to setup your profile.
  4. Once the profile form is submitted you will be sent another email with a link to create your password.

*** Please be sure to check your spam folder if you do not receive the emails in your inbox.

Having Difficulties? Please contact us at: 

[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="4" ccaps="" desc="$50 CAD / Yearly (recurring charge, for ongoing access)" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="CAD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="ontarioarteducationassociation.org" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="50" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="2" accept="paypal" accept_via_paypal="paypal" coupon="" accept_coupons="0" success="https://ontarioarteducationassociation.org/thank-you-and-welcome/"default_country_code="" captcha="0" /]

Support OAEA

The OAEA is an active network for all educators across the province of Ontario.  Membership provides access to an array of curriculum resources, speaker series, lessons, and creates opportunities to connect with others through events, webinars and workshops in celebration of art creation and education.

The OAEA welcomes the opportunity to work with your organization on individual sponsorship agreements that will meet your objectives.  We are a registered non-profit organization.  

Our Charity Registration No. is: 89317 3963 RR 0001

Here are ways that you can sponsor our organization:

  • Corporate Sponsorship:  ($700 Annually) You will have your logo and a link to your website on our webpage, and you will be listed on all event advertisements as a sponsor (except conferences)


  • Event Sponsorship: ($250 per event or, in lieu, a contribution in kind) Your logo and a link to your website will be visible on our event webpage and social media sites. Our events include:


    •  The Day of Art – a bi-annual event run by our regional reps across the province. This event attracts 100-150 educators to the event in 5-8 cities provincially.


  • Conference Sponsorship: OAEA conferences historically attract between 100-175 art educators from across Ontario and beyond. Conference sponsorship is an opportunity to be visible on all conference materials, our website, and social media. Please contact us directly for details on upcoming conferences.


  • In-Kind Support for Events and Conferences:
    • In exchange for posting OAEA conference or event information on your website, your logo and website link will be added to our website and announced on all other publicity material for the event. This information is made visible to other non-profit Colleges, Universities, or Museums in our purview.
    • At no charge, we will provide logo and link visibility on our website for other Non-Profit Organizations if you agree to post our logo and link on your website.


For all advertising and sponsorship arrangements, please contact OAEA at oaea4teachers@gmail.com.


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Please consider making a charitable contribution to the Ontario Art Education Association. We provide curriculum, programming, leadership, and advocacy for the development and support of Visual and Media Arts Education in Ontario. Donations received help us sustain our mission. We value every gift, whether it is $5, $50, or $500, or the donation of professional services or art supplies; these serve as an investment in our shared vision for all students to have access to a quality arts education. 

Please visit our secure donation form and your donation will be processed. If donating as a gift, the receiver will be notified.