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OAEA Constitution

  1. The name of the organization will be the Ontario Art Education Association/L’Association

Ontarienne de l’Education d’Art. The equivalent abbreviation of said name will be OAEA, which

is a registered non-profit, charitable agency (#893173963RR001) and incorporated (#992900).

The activities of OAEA will be carried on without purpose of monetary gain for its members.

Any excess funds or other accretions to OAEA will be used in promoting its goals. OAEA

continues the charitable advocacy, and equity work of the Ontario Association of Teachers of Art

and Crafts (OATAC), originally established in 1942, and the renamed (1957) Ontario Society for

Education through Art (OSEA).



OAEA provides leadership in the development and support of visual arts and media arts

education in the province of Ontario. Visual arts and media arts, as defined by OAEA, include

traditional fine arts such as drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture; communication and

graphic design arts including typography, illustration, and product design; photo-media such as

photography, film, and video; craft areas such as ceramics, fibers, jewelry, glass and wood;

architecture and environmental arts including urban, interior, and landscape design; theatre

design and fashion; new media art forms including digital imaging, website design, sound art;

and hybrid art forms such as performance art and installations. In some jurisdictions, many of the

above digital art forms or media-based works are referred to as media arts.


  1. GOALS


3.1 To promote quality arts education in schools, other education settings, and communities

across Ontario.


3.2 To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among those involved in visual arts and media

arts education.


3.3 To provide leadership and advocacy for visual arts and media arts education.


3.4 To provide professional learning opportunities and the advancement of knowledge to those

involved in visual arts/media arts education.


3.5 To cooperate and collaborate with existing arts agencies and educational organizations to

achieve its goals.


3.6 To promote equitable and inclusive visual arts and media arts education practices that align

with the Ontario Human Rights Code (including issues related to race, gender, sexuality, religion,

ability, socio-economic status, and age).




4.1 OAEA is a non-profit organization with membership open to all interested in visual arts and

media arts education as designated within the membership article of this constitution.


4.2 Upon cessation of the operation of the organization, the assets of OAEA will be distributed

upon the decision of the current Board, according to the terms established within the corporation.




5.1 All members will subscribe to the mission and goals of OAEA. The OAEA Board reserves

the right to revoke or deny membership to anyone who does not adhere to the bylaws and

policies of OAEA, or is in contravention of the Ontario Human Rights Code. This action will be

taken only after due process, as determined by the Board.


5.2 There will be four types of membership in OAEA: individual, student, museum educators,

and honorary. Membership fees will be reviewed and determined by the Board on an annual

basis, prior to the Annual General Meeting.


5.3 Individual memberships are available to anyone supportive of the goals of OAEA, who has

applied for membership and paid their membership fees.


5.4 Student memberships are available to those who are currently studying visual arts or media

arts education full-time in an undergraduate and/or pre-service teacher education program at a

recognized post-secondary institution.


5.5 Honorary membership may be granted to an individual deemed by the Board to have

given outstanding service in the field of visual arts and media arts education. These individuals

will be entitled to all rights and privileges common to other members without payment of annual membership fees.


5.6 All members in good standing are eligible to hold office and to vote at the Annual General





6.1 The Board of OAEA will be responsible for conducting the business of OAEA.


6.2 The Board consists of

(i) elected Executive Officers (President(s), Vice-Presidents) and appointed Executive

Officers (Past President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Membership Secretary)

(ii) Chairs of Standing Committees

(iii) Honourary President

(iv) appointed Board members


6.3 A quorum for meetings of the Board will consist of 50% of the current Board.




7.1 To support and accomplish the mission and goals of OAEA.


7.2 To carry on the routine business of OAEA.


7.3 To initiate or revise policies deemed necessary to the well being of the organization, and to

facilitate an annual review of existing policies.


7.4 To responsibly conduct the financial affairs of the organization and to monitor annual



7.5 To appoint Standing Committees to support the work of the organization with advice or

recommendations related to specific issues.


7.6 To make recommendations to appropriate agencies on matters pertaining to visual

arts and media arts in education.




8.1 The Executive Officers are

  • President(s)
  • Vice-Presidents


The appointed Executive Officers are

  • Past-President
  • Treasurer
  • Recording Secretary
  • Membership Secretary)


8.2 Past-President


8.2.1 Will have served a minimum of one year as a President.


8.2.2 Will be an advisor and consultant to the Board


8.2.3 Will chair the Nominating Committee


8.2.4 Will serve a two-year term


8.2.5 Can be requested to serve on any of the Standing Committees of the Board

8.3 President(s)


8.3.1 Will be the Chief Executive Officer and official spokesperson of OAEA


8.3.2 Will have served on the Board for at least one year prior to his/her election as a President


8.3.3 Will serve a two-year term of office


8.3.4 Will chair all meetings of the Board


8.3.5 Will be responsible for responding to Ministry of Education initiatives and correspondence

in consultation with the Board


8.3.6 Will initiate activities directed at educational stakeholders in Ontario (e.g. trustees,

administrators, parent organizations, etc.)


8.3.7 Will be an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees of the Board


8.3.8 Will have access to financial activity and records at all times


8.3.9 Will be a signing officer of OAEA


8.4 Vice Presidents


8.4.1 Will cooperate with the President(s) in plans pertaining to all aspects of OAEA governance


8.4.2 Will assume the powers and duties of the President(s) in his/her absence


8.4.3 Will be a chair or member of Standing Committees as deemed necessary


8.4.4 Will be signing officers of OAEA


8.4.5 Will assist the President(s) in the discharge of duties by assuming responsibility for one of

the following roles:

(i) Liaise with district school boards, membership, and other visual arts organizations and


(ii) Liaise with conference chairs and conduct an annual search to ensure a conference

location and chair(s) are in place for at least one conference year beyond the current year;

(iii) Oversee OAEA publications; regular, digital and special volumes


8.5 Treasurer


8.5.1 Will be a signing officer on all OAEA expenditures, cheques, and disbursements


8.5.2 Will prepare regular financial reports for the Board as required


8.5.3 Will ensure that expenses are paid promptly


8.5.4 Will ensure that the financial records are professionally and independently audited each



8.5.5 Will analyze project proposals for their financial impact, along with the Board


8.5.6 Will prepare an annual budget for presentation at the Annual General Meeting


8.5.7 Will report on OAEA’s financial condition at the Annual General Meeting


8.5.8 Will oversee the preparation and distribution of official financial documents,

including official receipts for tax purposes, charitable status, and government forms


8.6 Recording Secretary


8.6.1 Will maintain records of the proceedings of all Board and Executive meetings


8.6.2 Will report and record incoming correspondence as directed by the Board


8.6.3 Will give notice of meetings as directed by the Board


8.6.4 Will make available to all new Board officers, members, and advisors copies of the OAEA

constitution, as well as new OAEA members, either through print or electronic versions


8.6.5 Will ensure that the minutes of all meetings are archived in an official minutes binder

(virtual) and digital format for reference purposes


8.7 Membership Secretary


8.7.1 Will maintain up-to-date records of the organization’s membership roster, including

honourary memberships


8.7.2. Will liaise with the registrar for the annual OAEA conference concerning active members

and membership concerns


8.7.3 Will forward received membership fees to the Treasurer in a timely manner


8.7.4 Will communicate with new members, in a timely manner, upon receipt of their

membership fee and pertinent contact information, including mailing and email addresses


8.7.5 Will report on OAEA’s membership roster at the Annual General Meeting




9.1 The Executive Officers will be elected during the Annual General Meeting.


9.2 The Executive Officers will serve a two-year term. At the end of the term, they are eligible

for re-election to a second, two-year term in the same position. Following four years in the same

position, an individual can remain on the Board, but must be elected or appointed to another

position. Elected Executive Officers wishing to stay on in their existing roles for a second term

must be re-nominated, in writing, as described in 9.4.


9.3 The Board will appoint, at least three months prior to the Annual General Meeting, a

Nominating Committee chaired by the Past-President, to prepare and present a slate of officers at the Annual General Meeting.


9.4 The Nominating Committee will present to the Board and the OAEA membership at large, a

call for nominations for all available positions at least two months prior to the Annual General

Meeting. Voting members may submit nominations either in writing to the Past- President, or

from the floor of the Annual General Meeting. In the event that only one candidate has been

nominated for a position, the sole candidate will be acclaimed to that position on the Board.


9.5 The position of Past-President is automatically filled by the outgoing President(s).


9.6 The Board will have the power to appoint officers to fill vacant positions for the remainder of

the term of office, in the event of resignation, illness, death or other incapacity to serve.




10.1 Members of the Board should include representatives from all aspects of visual arts and

media arts education.


10.2 The Honourary President shall act as a general advisor to the Board, and be an experienced

member in good standing of OAEA/OSEA. The Honourary President’s role is not a term

appointment, but its duration will be determined in agreement between the individual and the

Board. The nomination of an Honourary President will follow the same procedures as outlined in


10.3 and 10.4.


10.3 To be nominated to the Board, the President(s) or one of the Vice-Presidents must prepare a nomination package for the person consisting of a short biography and their resumé, curriculum vitae or website. This package will be circulated to the existing Board by website, for review in advance of the next Board meeting.


10.4 The nomination of a new Board member must be discussed, reviewed, and voted on by the

Board in order to be accepted.



11.1 The Board will meet together, at the call of the President(s) (or a Vice-President, in the

President’s absence, and with his/her approval), no less than four times a year.)


11.2 All terms of office will commence within thirty (30) days following the Annual General

Meeting. The outgoing Executive Officers are expected to assist the incoming Officers during the



11.3 The Executive Officers and the members of the Board are expected to attend and participate in all Board meetings. If a board member is unable to attend 50% of the Board meetings within a given year, without a satisfactory explanation, the member will be considered to be in default of his/her duties. The Board has the power to replace the Officer or the Board member for the duration of the unexpired term.


11.4 Meetings of the Board are open to all OAEA members. Dates, times, locations, and agendas

of upcoming meetings will be determined by the President(s) and made available to the general



11.5 Members have the right to address the Board, with the President’s advance approval.


11.6 Each Board member is entitled to one (1) vote. Members may not vote by proxy.


11.7 No votes will be taken at a Board meeting unless a quorum is present. A quorum will

consist of half of the Officers and half of the Board positions plus one (1), which includes the

President(s) (or his/her designate).


11.8 The President(s) (or a Vice-President, in the President’s absence) will chair each meeting,

but will not have a vote, except in the instance of a tie, in which case the President or

Vice-President designate will cast the tie-breaking vote.




12.1 The OAEA membership places its trust in its elected representatives who are responsible for

carrying out the business of OAEA in a transparent, fair, and equitable manner at the Annual

General Meeting. The President(s) will report on how OAEA has progressed in relation to its

stated mission and goals during the preceding fiscal year.


12.2 Notice of the Annual General Meeting will be posted on the website and other

communications materials at least one month in advance of the date.


12.3 The purposes of the Annual General Meeting are:


12.3.1 To review and accept the minutes from the previous year’s Annual General Meeting


12.3.2 To review the activities of the Board during the preceding year by receiving official

written reports


12.3.3 To review the financial position of the organization


12.3.4 To propose amendments to the constitution and by-laws


12.3.5 To elect officers and announce appointments of committee chairs


12.3.6 To appoint financial auditors when applicable


12.4 The agenda for the Annual General Meeting will include:


12.4.1 A written report from the President(s), including the presentation of detailed financial

reports based on the previous fiscal year and a proposed budget for the upcoming year. These can be collected in a “President’s Report.”


12.4.2 Proposed amendments to the constitution or by-laws, if applicable


12.4.3 Election of Officers


12.4.4 Appointment of auditors, when applicable


12.4.5 Additional items for presentation/discussion as determined by the Board



Robert’s Rules of Order (revised) will be the authority on all questions of procedure not

otherwise covered in the Constitution or By-laws.




14.1 Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by a committee established by the Board for that purpose, or by any member in good standing, with the signed concurrence of a minimum of ten (10) other members in good standing. The proposal must be submitted in writing, to the President(s), at least one month prior to the Annual General Meeting.


14.2 All amendment proposals must be reviewed by the Board for consistency with the existing

OAEA mission, goals, and by-laws and for the welfare of the organization. Amendment

proposals must be circulated to the membership for review prior to the Annual General Meeting.


14.3 Amendments will require a two-thirds majority vote of OAEA members present at the

Annual General Meeting in order to be adopted.




15.1 Resolutions will be proposals for action by the organization, independent of, or in

collaboration with, other bodies and institutions.


15.2 Resolutions may be proposed by any member in good standing, with the support of at least

two other members in good standing. Resolutions must be submitted in writing to the

President(s) at any time.


15.3 Submitted resolutions must be reviewed, by the Board, for consistency with the existing

OAEA mission and goals, and for the welfare of the organization, before presentation to the

membership at the Annual General Meeting. The Board may establish a Standing Committee to

conduct this review.


15.4 Resolutions will require a simple majority vote of members present at the Annual General

Meeting in order to be adopted.




16.1 The fiscal year will end on December 31 each year.


16.2 The securities of the organization will be deposited for safekeeping with one or more

bankers, trust companies, or financial institutions to be selected by the Board. Any and all

securities so deposited may be withdrawn from time to time, only on written order of the

organization, signed by the Treasurer, under the authority of the Board. The institutions that are

selected as custodians of the Board will be fully protected in acting in accordance under the

direction of the Board, and will in no event be liable for the due application of the securities so

withdrawn from deposit or the proceeds thereof.


16.3 Financial commitments or purchases made for the organization cannot exceed $200.00

without the prior approval of the Board.


16.4 There will be two signing officers required on cheques and/or disbursement, one of which

must be the Treasurer, and the other the President(s) or one of the Vice-Presidents. Receipts for

all annual expenditures must be maintained by the Treasurer, for submission to the Accountant.


16.5 No part of the net earnings of the organization will inure to the benefit of any member,

sponsor, donor, creator, trustee, officer, employee, or without limitation, any other private

individual, or to the benefit of any corporation, any private individual or any substantial part of

the activities of which is carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation; provided, this will not prevent payment of reasonable compensation for services actually rendered to or for the organization in its purposes.