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Grade 7 and 8: Challenging Conceptions of Canadian Identity


Challenging Conceptions of Canadian Identity Grade 7/8 Lesson Unit

This lesson contains a lesson plan file and 6 BLMs.

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to…

  • Use oral and active listening strategies in order to clearly communicate with their group partners and classmates.
  • Critically analyse, question and deconstruct Canadian stereotypes while acknowledging and celebrating the diversity of Canada and the Canadian identity.
  • Interpret and respond to a variety of art works, clearly discussing the symbols, signs and meanings.
  • Discuss and compare how an art work created in the past would be different if it were made for a contemporary audience.
  • Reflect on their own decision-making and art-making process.
  • Communicate and reflect upon their strengths, challenges and areas for improvement.